Every little action leads...

One of the first challenges faced by persons who have recently arrived in the UK is the lack of a clear plan of action to equip their lives in a new place. Nowadays, people are overloaded with information that, unfortunately, is not always valid and relevant for each individual person. Such an overload of information does not allow them to independently draw up an individual action plan and causes them incomprehensibility and confusion, which in turn leads to apathy and depression. People simply do not know what to do and how to act, because all areas of their lives need to start anew. the big

Volunteers of the United Action Charity Trust will conduct individual consultations and help to create a clear, individual action plan for every refugee, migrant and temporarily displaced person, taking into account their current circumstances, conditions, and individual wishes. With the help of our partners, we provide access to quality English language learning, obtaining new professional qualifications and skills that will allow them to realise their potential and benefit the society in which they live.

Psychological and mental support

If necessary, together with partner organisations, we will provide the necessary psychological support to those who need it. Mental health is the fundamental foundation of a happy life that everyone deserves.


Support and information

The charitable organisation UACT organises and supports cultural and creative events of national minorities, because it unites people, improves their socialisation, mental well-being and promotes their mutual support in society.



Creating a community

We also create a community and contribute to the development of a support network for England and Wales, which will allow to refugees, migrants and temporarily displaced persons to exchange their own experience, knowledge and their own stories. 




Integration and adaptation

We are confident that through a comprehensive, holistic approach, we will be able to make the process of their adaptation and integration into British society as efficient, convenient and useful as possible with minimal burden on local authorities and social protection bodies.